fairlearn.experimental package#

Enables experimental functionality that may be migrated to other modules at a later point.


Anything can break from version to version without further warning.

Utility class for plotting metrics with and without confidence interval ranges.

fairlearn.metrics._plotter.plot_metric_frame(metric_frame, *, kind='point', metrics=None, conf_intervals=None, subplots=True, plot_ci_labels=False, ci_labels_precision=4, ci_labels_fontsize=8, ci_labels_color='black', ci_labels_ha='center', ci_labels_legend='Conf. Intervals', **kwargs)[source]#

Visualization for metrics with and without confidence intervals.

Plots a given metric and its given error (as described by conf_intervals)

This function takes in a fairlearn.metrics.MetricFrame with precomputed metrics and metric errors and a conf_intervals array to interpret the columns of the fairlearn.metrics.MetricFrame.

The items at each index of the given metrics array and given errors or conf_intervals array should correspond to a pair of the same metric and metric error, respectively.

  • metric_frame (fairlearn.metrics.MetricFrame) – The collection of disaggregated metric values, along with the metric errors.

  • kind (str, default="point") – The type of plot to display, e.g., “point”, “bar”, “line”, etc. The supported values are “point” and those listed in pandas.DataFrame.plot()

  • metrics (str or list of str) – The name of the metrics to plot. Should match columns from the given fairlearn.metrics.MetricFrame.

  • conf_intervals (str or list of str) –

    The name of the confidence intervals to plot. Should match columns from the given fairlearn.metrics.MetricFrame.


    The return of the error function should be an array of the lower and upper bounds. e.g. [0.59, 0.62]

  • subplots (bool, default=True) – Whether or not to plot metrics on separate subplots

  • plot_ci_labels (bool, default=False) – Whether or not to plot numerical labels for the confidence intervals

  • ci_labels_precision (int, default=4) – The number of digits of precision to show for confidence interval labels

  • ci_labels_fontsize (int, default=8) – The font size to use for confidence interval labels

  • ci_labels_color (str, default="black") – The font color to use for confidence interval labels

  • ci_labels_ha (str, default="center") – The horizontal alignment modifier to use for confidence interval labels

  • ci_labels_legend (str, default="Conf. Intervals") – The label corresponding to the confidence interval bars

  • **kwargs – Keyword arguments that are passed in to pandas.DataFrame.plot()

Return type

matplotlib.axes.Axes or numpy.ndarray of them