2. Assessment

2.1. Metrics

The fairlearn.metrics module provides the means to assess fairness-related metrics for models. This applies for any kind of model that users may already use, but also for models created with mitigation techniques from the Mitigation section. The Fairlearn dashboard provides a visual way to compare metrics between models as well as compare metrics for different groups on a single model.

2.1.1. Ungrouped Metrics

At their simplest, metrics take a set of ‘true’ values Ytrue (from the input data) and predicted values Ypred (by applying the model to the input data), and use these to compute a measure. For example, the recall or true positive rate is given by


That is, a measure of whether the model finds all the positive cases in the input data. The scikit-learn package implements this in sklearn.metrics.recall_score().

Suppose we have the following data we can see that the prediction is 1 in five of the ten cases where the true value is 1, so we expect the recall to be 0.5:

>>> import sklearn.metrics as skm
>>> y_true = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1]
>>> y_pred = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1]
>>> skm.recall_score(y_true, y_pred)

2.1.2. Metrics with Grouping

When considering fairness, each row of input data will have an associated group label gG, and we will want to know how the metric behaves for each g. To help with this, Fairlearn provides a class, which takes an existing (ungrouped) metric function, and applies it to each group within a set of data.

Suppose in addition to the Ytrue and Ypred above, we had the following set of labels:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> group_membership_data = ['d', 'a', 'c', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c',
...                          'b', 'd', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'd', 'c', 'c']
>>> pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20)
>>> pd.set_option('display.width', 80)
>>> pd.DataFrame({ 'y_true': y_true,
...                'y_pred': y_pred,
...                'group_membership_data': group_membership_data})
    y_true  y_pred group_membership_data
0        0       0                     d
1        1       0                     a
2        1       1                     c
3        1       0                     b
4        1       1                     b
5        0       1                     c
6        1       1                     c
7        0       0                     c
8        1       0                     b
9        0       1                     d
10       0       1                     c
11       0       1                     a
12       1       1                     b
13       1       0                     d
14       1       0                     c
15       1       1                     c

We then calculate a metric which shows the subgroups:

>>> from fairlearn.metrics import MetricFrame
>>> grouped_metric = MetricFrame(metrics=skm.recall_score,
...                              y_true=y_true,
...                              y_pred=y_pred,
...                              sensitive_features=group_membership_data)
>>> print("Overall recall = ", grouped_metric.overall)
Overall recall =  0.5
>>> print("recall by groups = ", grouped_metric.by_group.to_dict())
recall by groups =  {'a': 0.0, 'b': 0.5, 'c': 0.75, 'd': 0.0}

Note that the overall recall is the same as that calculated above in the Ungrouped Metric section, while the ‘by group’ dictionary can be checked against the table above.

In addition to these basic scores, Fairlearn also provides convenience functions to recover the maximum and minimum values of the metric across groups and also the difference and ratio between the maximum and minimum:

>>> print("min recall over groups = ", grouped_metric.group_min())
min recall over groups =  0.0
>>> print("max recall over groups = ", grouped_metric.group_max())
max recall over groups =  0.75
>>> print("difference in recall = ", grouped_metric.difference(method='between_groups'))
difference in recall =  0.75
>>> print("ratio in recall = ", grouped_metric.ratio(method='between_groups'))
ratio in recall =  0.0

A single instance of fairlearn.metrics.MetricFrame can evaluate multiple metrics simultaneously (note that fairlearn.metrics.count() can be used to show each group’s size):

>>> from fairlearn.metrics import count
>>> multi_metric = MetricFrame({'precision':skm.precision_score,
...                             'recall':skm.recall_score,
...                             'count': count},
...                             y_true, y_pred,
...                             sensitive_features=group_membership_data)
>>> multi_metric.overall
precision    0.5555...
recall       0.5...
dtype: object
>>> multi_metric.by_group
                    precision recall count
a                         0.0    0.0     2
b                         1.0    0.5     4
c                         0.6   0.75     7
d                         0.0    0.0     3

If there are per-sample arguments (such as sample weights), these can also be provided in a dictionary via the sample_params argument.:

>>> s_w = [1, 2, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3]
>>> s_p = { 'sample_weight':s_w }
>>> weighted = MetricFrame(metrics=skm.recall_score,
...                        y_true=y_true,
...                        y_pred=y_pred,
...                        sensitive_features=pd.Series(group_membership_data, name='SF 0'),
...                        sample_params=s_p)
>>> weighted.overall
>>> weighted.by_group
SF 0
a    0...
b    0.5...
c    0.7142...
d    0...
Name: recall_score, dtype: object

If multiple metrics are being evaluated, then sample_params becomes a dictionary of dictionaries, with the first key corresponding matching that in the dictionary holding the desired underlying metric functions.

We do not support non-sample parameters at the current time. If these are required, then use functools.partial() to prebind the required arguments to the metric function:

>>> import functools
>>> fbeta_06 = functools.partial(skm.fbeta_score, beta=0.6)
>>> metric_beta = MetricFrame(metrics=fbeta_06,
...                           y_true=y_true,
...                           y_pred=y_pred,
...                           sensitive_features=group_membership_data)
>>> metric_beta.overall
>>> metric_beta.by_group
a    0...
b    0.7906...
c    0.6335...
d    0...
Name: metric, dtype: object

Finally, multiple sensitive features can be specified. The by_groups property then holds the intersections of these groups:

>>> g_2 = [ 8,6,8,8,8,8,6,6,6,8,6,6,6,6,8,6]
>>> s_f_frame = pd.DataFrame(np.stack([group_membership_data, g_2], axis=1),
...                          columns=['SF 0', 'SF 1'])
>>> metric_2sf = MetricFrame(metrics=skm.recall_score,
...                          y_true=y_true,
...                          y_pred=y_pred,
...                          sensitive_features=s_f_frame)
>>> metric_2sf.overall  # Same as before
>>> metric_2sf.by_group
SF 0  SF 1
a     6       0.0
      8       NaN
b     6       0.5
      8       0.5
c     6       1.0
      8       0.5
d     6       0.0
      8       0.0
Name: recall_score, dtype: object

With such a small number of samples, we are obviously running into cases where there are no members in a particular combination of sensitive features. In this case we see that the subgroup (a, 8) has a result of NaN, indicating that there were no samples in it.

2.1.3. Scalar Results from MetricFrame

Higher level machine learning algorithms (such as hyperparameter tuners) often make use of metric functions to guide their optimisations. Such algorithms generally work with scalar results, so if we want the tuning to be done on the basis of our fairness metrics, we need to perform aggregations over the MetricFrame.

We provide a convenience function, fairlearn.metrics.make_derived_metric(), to generate scalar-producing metric functions based on the aggregation methods mentioned above (MetricFrame.group_min(), MetricFrame.group_max(), MetricFrame.difference(), and MetricFrame.ratio()). This takes an underlying metric function, the name of the desired transformation, and optionally a list of parameter names which should be treated as sample aligned parameters (such as sample_weight). Other parameters will be passed to the underlying metric function normally (unlike MetricFrame where functools.partial() must be used, as noted above). The result is a function which builds the MetricFrame internally and performs the requested aggregation. For example:

>>> from fairlearn.metrics import make_derived_metric
>>> fbeta_difference = make_derived_metric(metric=skm.fbeta_score,
...                                        transform='difference')
>>> # Don't need functools.partial for make_derived_metric
>>> fbeta_difference(y_true, y_pred, beta=0.7,
...                  sensitive_features=group_membership_data)
>>> # But as noted above, functools.partial is needed for MetricFrame
>>> fbeta_07 = functools.partial(skm.fbeta_score, beta=0.7)
>>> MetricFrame(metrics=fbeta_07,
...             y_true=y_true,
...             y_pred=y_pred,
...             sensitive_features=group_membership_data).difference()

We use fairlearn.metrics.make_derived_metric() to manufacture a number of such functions which will be commonly used:

Base metric





















































































The names of the generated functions are of the form fairlearn.metrics.<base_metric>_<transformation>. For example fairlearn.metrics.accuracy_score_difference and fairlearn.metrics.precision_score_group_min.

2.1.4. Control features for grouped metrics

Control features (sometimes called ‘conditional’ features) enable more detailed fairness insights by providing a further means of splitting the data into subgroups. When the data are split into subgroups, control features (if provided) act similarly to sensitive features. However, the ‘overall’ value for the metric is now computed for each subgroup of the control feature(s). Similarly, the aggregation functions (such as MetricFrame.group_max) are performed for each subgroup in the conditional feature(s), rather than across them (as happens with the sensitive features).

Control features are useful for cases where there is some expected variation with a feature, so we need to compute disparities while controlling for that feature. For example, in a loan scenario we would expect people of differing incomes to be approved at different rates, but within each income band we would still want to measure disparities between different sensitive features. However, it should be borne in mind that due to historic discrimination, the income band might be correlated with various sensitive features. Because of this, control features should be used with particular caution.

The MetricFrame constructor allows us to specify control features in a manner similar to sensitive features, using a conditional_features= parameter:

>>> decision = [
...    0,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,
...    0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,
...    0,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0
... ]
>>> prediction = [
...    1,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,
...    1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,
...    1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1
... ]
>>> control_feature = [
...    'H','L','H','L','H','L','L','H','H','L',
...    'L','H','H','L','L','H','L','L','H','H',
...    'L','H','L','L','H','H','L','L','H','L'
... ]
>>> sensitive_feature = [
...    'A','B','B','C','C','B','A','A','B','A',
...    'C','B','C','A','C','C','B','B','C','A',
...    'B','B','C','A','B','A','B','B','A','A'
... ]
>>> metric_c_f = MetricFrame(metrics=skm.accuracy_score,
...                          y_true=decision,
...                          y_pred=prediction,
...                          sensitive_features={'SF' : sensitive_feature},
...                          control_features={'CF' : control_feature})
>>> # The 'overall' property is now split based on the control feature
>>> metric_c_f.overall
H    0.4285...
L    0.375...
Name: accuracy_score, dtype: object
>>> # The 'by_group' property looks similar to how it would if we had two sensitive features
>>> metric_c_f.by_group
H   A     0.2...
    B     0.4...
    C     0.75...
L   A     0.4...
    B     0.2857...
    C     0.5...
Name: accuracy_score, dtype: object

Note how the MetricFrame.overall property is stratified based on the supplied control feature. The MetricFrame.by_group property allows us to see disparities between the groups in the sensitive feature for each group in the control feature. When displayed like this, MetricFrame.by_group looks similar to how it would if we had specified two sensitive features (although the control features will always be at the top level of the hierarchy).

With the MetricFrame computed, we can perform aggregations:

>>> # See the maximum accuracy for each value of the control feature
>>> metric_c_f.group_max()
H    0.75
L    0.50
Name: accuracy_score, dtype: float64
>>> # See the maximum difference in accuracy for each value of the control feature
>>> metric_c_f.difference(method='between_groups')
H    0.55...
L    0.2142...
Name: accuracy_score, dtype: float64

In each case, rather than a single scalar, we receive one result for each subgroup identified by the conditional feature. The call metric_c_f.group_max() call shows the maximum value of the metric across the subgroups of the sensitive feature within each value of the control feature. Similarly, metric_c_f.difference(method='between_groups') call shows the maximum difference between the subgroups of the sensitive feature within each value of the control feature. For more examples, please see the Metrics with Multiple Features notebook in the Example Notebooks.

2.1.5. Plotting grouped metrics

The simplest way to visualize grouped metrics from the MetricFrame is to take advantage of the inherent plotting capabilities of pandas.DataFrame:

metrics = {
    'accuracy': accuracy_score,
    'precision': precision_score,
    'recall': recall_score,
    'false positive rate': false_positive_rate,
    'true positive rate': true_positive_rate,
    'selection rate': selection_rate,
    'count': count}
metric_frame = MetricFrame(metrics=metrics,
    layout=[3, 3],
    figsize=[12, 8],
    title="Show all metrics",


It is possible to customize the plots. Here are some common examples. Customize Plots: ylim

The y-axis range is automatically set, which can be misleading, therefore it is sometimes useful to set the ylim argument to define the yaxis range.

    ylim=[0, 1],
    layout=[3, 3],
    figsize=[12, 8],
    title="Show all metrics with assigned y-axis range",

../_images/sphx_glr_plot_quickstart_002.png Customize Plots: colormap

To change the color scheme, we can use the colormap argument. A list of colorschemes can be found here.

    layout=[3, 3],
    figsize=[12, 8],
    title="Show all metrics in Accent colormap",

../_images/sphx_glr_plot_quickstart_003.png Customize Plots: kind

There are different types of charts (e.g. pie, bar, line) which can be defined by the kind argument. Here is an example of a pie chart.

    layout=[3, 3],
    figsize=[12, 8],
    title="Show all metrics in pie",

There are many other customizations that can be done. More information can be found in pandas.DataFrame.plot().

2.2. Fairlearn dashboard

The Fairlearn dashboard was a Jupyter notebook widget for assessing how a model’s predictions impact different groups (e.g., different ethnicities), and also for comparing multiple models along different fairness and performance metrics.


The FairlearnDashboard is no longer being developed as part of Fairlearn. For more information on how to use it refer to https://github.com/microsoft/responsible-ai-widgets. Fairlearn provides some of the existing functionality through matplotlib-based visualizations. Refer to the Plotting grouped metrics section.