Performing a Fairness Assessment#

The goal of fairness assessment is to answer the question: Which groups of people may be disproportionately negatively impacted by an AI system and in what ways?

The steps of the assessment are as follows:

  1. Identify types of harms

  2. Identify the groups that might be harmed

  3. Quantify harms

  4. Compare quantified harms across the groups

We next examine these four steps in more detail.

Identify types of harms#

See Types of harms for a guide to types of fairness-related harms. The Fairlearn package is particularly suitable for measuring:

  • Allocation Harms occur when a system unfairly extends or witholds opportunities, resources, or information. Common (but by no means exhaustive) examples are hiring for jobs, student admissions and loan origination.

  • Quality of Service Harms occur when a system works much better for one group than another. For example, facial recognition and speech-to-text systems may have substantially different performance for different ethnicities.

Note that one system can lead to multiple harms, and different types of harms are not mutually exclusive. For more information, review Fairlearn’s 2021 SciPy tutorial.

Identify the groups that might be harmed#

In most applications, we consider demographic groups including historically marginalized groups (e.g., based on gender, race, ethnicity). We should also consider groups that are relevant to a particular use case or deployment context. For example, for speech-to-text transcription, this might include groups who speak a regional dialect or people who are a native or a non-native speaker.

It is also important to consider group intersections, for example, in addition to considering groups according to gender and groups according to race, it is also important to consider their intersections (e.g., Black women, Latinx nonbinary people, etc.). Crenshaw[1] offers a thorough background on the topic of intersectionality. See this section of our user guide for details of how Fairlearn can compute metrics for intersections.


We have assumed that every sensitive feature is representable by a discrete variable. This is not always the case: for example, the melanin content of a person’s skin (important for tasks such as facial recognition) will not be taken from a small number of fixed values. Features like this have to be binned, and the choice of bins could obscure fairness issues.

Quantify harms#

Define metrics that quantify harms or benefits:

  • In a job screening scenario, we need to quantify the number of candidates that are classified as “negative” (not recommended for the job), but whose true label is “positive” (they are “qualified”). One possible metric is the false negative rate: fraction of qualified candidates that are screened out. Note that before we attempt to classify candidates, we need to determine the construct validity of the “qualified” status; more information on construct validity can be found in What is construct validity?

  • For a speech-to-text application, the harm could be measured by disparities in the word error rate for different group, measured by the number of mistakes in a transcript divided by the overall number of words.

Note that in some cases, the outcome we seek to measure is not directly available. Occasionally, another variable in our dataset provides a close approximation to the phenomenon we seek to measure. In these cases, we might choose to use that closely related variable, often called a “proxy”, to stand in for the missing variable. For example, suppose that in the job screening scenario, we have data on whether the candidate passes the first two stages, but not if they are ultimately recommended for the job.

As an alternative to the unobserved final recommendation, we could therefore measure the harm using the proxy variable indicating whether the candidate passes the first stage of the screen. If you choose to use a proxy variable to represent the harm, check the proxy variable regularly to ensure it remains useful over time. Our section on construct validity describes how to determine whether a proxy variable measures the intended construct in a meaningful and useful way. It is important to ensure that the proxy is suitable for the social context of the problem you seek to solve. In particular, be careful of falling into one of the abstraction traps.

Disaggregated metrics#

The centerpiece of fairness assessment in Fairlearn are disaggregated metrics, which are metrics evaluated on slices of data. For example, to measure gender-based harms due to errors, we would begin by evaluating the errors separately for males, females and nonbinary persons in our dataset. If we found that males were experiencing errors at a much lower rate than females and nonbinary persons, we would flag this as a potential fairness harm.

Note that by “errors” here, we are referring to the methods we use to assess the performance of the machine learning model overall, for example accuracy or precision in the classification case. We distiniguish these model performance metrics from fairness metrics, which operationalize different definitions of fairness (such as demographic parity or equal opportunity). We will review those metrics in a subsequent section of the User Guide. For more information on fairness metrics, review Common fairness metrics.

Fairlearn provides the fairlearn.metrics.MetricFrame class to help with this quantification. Suppose we have some ‘true’ values, some predictions from a model, and also a sensitive feature recorded for each. The sensitive feature, denoted by sf_data, can take on one of three values:

>>> y_true = [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
>>> y_pred = [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
>>> sf_data = ['b', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'c', 'a',
...            'a', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'c', 'b', 'c', 'c']

Now, suppose we have determined that the metrics we are interested in are the selection rate (selection_rate()), recall (a.k.a. true positive rate sklearn.metrics.recall_score()) and false positive rate (false_positive_rate()). For completeness (and to help identify subgroups for which random noise might be significant), we should also include the counts (count()). We can use MetricFrame to evaluate these metrics on our data:

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 20)
>>> pd.set_option('display.width', 80)
>>> from fairlearn.metrics import MetricFrame
>>> from fairlearn.metrics import count, \
...                               false_positive_rate, \
...                               selection_rate
>>> from sklearn.metrics import recall_score
>>> # Construct a function dictionary
>>> my_metrics = {
...     'tpr' : recall_score,
...     'fpr' : false_positive_rate,
...     'sel' : selection_rate,
...     'count' : count
... }
>>> # Construct a MetricFrame
>>> mf = MetricFrame(
...     metrics=my_metrics,
...     y_true=y_true,
...     y_pred=y_pred,
...     sensitive_features=sf_data
... )

We can now interrogate this MetricFrame to find the values for our chosen metrics. First, the metrics evaluated on the entire dataset (disregarding the sensitive feature), accessed via the MetricFrame.overall property:

>>> mf.overall
tpr       0.500000
fpr       0.666667
sel       0.555556
count    18.000000
dtype: float64

Next, we can see the metrics evaluated on each of the groups identified by the sf_data column. These are accessed through the MetricFrame.by_group property:

>>> mf.by_group
                     tpr       fpr   sel  count
a                    0.5  1.000000  0.75    4.0
b                    0.6  0.000000  0.50    6.0
c                    0.4  0.666667  0.50    8.0

All of these values can be checked against the original arrays above.


Note that MetricFrame is intended for analyzing the disparities between groups with regard to a base metric, and consequently cannot take predefined fairness metrics, such as demographic_parity_difference(), as input to the metrics parameter.

Compare quantified harms across the groups#

To summarize the disparities in errors (or other metrics), we may want to report quantities such as the difference or ratio of the metric values between the best and the worst groups identified by the sensitive feature(s). In settings where the goal is to guarantee certain minimum quality of service across all groups (such as speech recognition), it is also meaningful to report the worst performance across all considered groups.

The MetricFrame class provides several methods for comparing the computed metrics. For example, the MetricFrame.group_min() and MetricFrame.group_max() methods show the smallest and largest values for each metric:

>>> mf.group_min()
tpr      0.4
fpr      0.0
sel      0.5
count    4.0
dtype: float64
>>> mf.group_max()
tpr       0.60
fpr       1.00
sel       0.75
count     8.00
dtype: float64

We can also compute differences and ratios between groups for all of the metrics. These are available via the MetricFrame.difference() and MetricFrame.ratio() methods respectively. The absolute difference will always be returned, and the ratios will be chosen to be less than one. By default, the computations are done between the maximum and minimum values for the groups:

>>> mf.difference()
tpr      0.20
fpr      1.00
sel      0.25
count    4.00
dtype: float64
>>> mf.ratio()
tpr      0.666667
fpr      0.000000
sel      0.666667
count    0.500000
dtype: float64

However, the differences and ratios can also be computed relative to the overall values for the data:

>>> mf.difference(method='to_overall')
tpr       0.100000
fpr       0.666667
sel       0.194444
count    14.000000
dtype: float64
>>> mf.ratio(method='to_overall')
tpr      0.800000
fpr      0.000000
sel      0.740741
count    0.222222
dtype: float64

In every case, the largest difference and smallest ratio are returned.

Predefined fairness metrics#

In addition to the disaggregated analysis of base metrics enabled by MetricFrame, Fairlearn also provides a set of predefined fairness metrics that output a single score. These metrics take as input sensitive_features to compute the maximum difference or ratio between subgroups of a sensitive variable. The predefined fairness metrics offered by Fairlearn are demographic_parity_difference(), demographic_parity_ratio(), equalized_odds_difference(), and equalized_odds_ratio(). The ratio and difference can be calculated between_groups or to_overall, but to_overall results in more than 1 value being returned (when the control_features parameter is not None. MetricFrame can also calculate differences and ratios between groups. For more information on available method of computing ratios or differences, view the documentation for MetricFrame.ratio() and MetricFrame.difference(), respectively. Note that because these metrics are calculated using aggregations between groups, they are meant to be called directly, rather than used within the instantiation of a MetricFrame.

Below, we show an example of calculating demographic parity ratio using the sample data defined above.

>>> from fairlearn.metrics import demographic_parity_ratio
>>> print(demographic_parity_ratio(y_true,
...                                y_pred,
...                                sensitive_features=sf_data))

It is also possible to define custom fairness metrics based on any standard performance metric (e.g., the false positive rate or AUC) using :func:make_derived_metric. Under the hood, the fairness assessment metrics also use MetricFrame to compute a particular base rate across sensitive groups and subsequently perform an aggregation (the difference or ratio) on the base metric values across groups. For example, equalized_odds_ratio() uses both the false_positive_rate() and false_negative_rate() within a MetricFrame on the backend to generate an output. As demonstrated below, using equalized_odds_ratio() and MetricFrame.ratio() method produces the same outcome.

>>> from fairlearn.metrics import equalized_odds_ratio
>>> print(equalized_odds_ratio(y_true,
...                                y_pred,
...                                sensitive_features=sf_data))
>>> my_metrics = {
...     'tpr' : recall_score,
...     'fpr' : false_positive_rate
... }
>>> mf = MetricFrame(
...     metrics=my_metrics,
...     y_true=y_true,
...     y_pred=y_pred,
...     sensitive_features=sf_data
... )
>>> min(mf.ratio(method="between_groups"))

Common fairness metrics provides an overview of common metrics used in fairness analyses. For a deep dive into how to extend the capabilities of fairness metrics provided by Fairlearn, review Defining custom fairness metrics.
